On July 1 2019 it will mark the debut of the official website of supernatural fantasy author Paul R. Tucker. Through this graphically, tantalizing website, Mr. Tucker will bring readers and fans of his literary works, the latest updates and information related to his novels, short stories, screenplays, films, television projects and events.
“I am excited readers are able to read my stories and find a little bit of themselves in one or more of the characters. I try to explore the human physic and how it works,” states Mr. Tucker.”
Mr. Tucker is fast gaining the representation as one of America’s upcoming authors with a flare for the bizarre coining a style of writer called “iconic surrealism.” He often combines engaging mix of supernatural, fantasy, horror and science fiction in his material, allowing readers create an affinity with the characters and to look at the environment differently.
His short stories has appeared in the dorm rooms of colleges campuses across the country as intriguing past time or frightening party favors. Each one of his stories possesses real life setting as he explores the intricacies of humanity and every day thoughts. Affectionately known as Tuck among his readers, Paul Tucker plans to entertain readers with new materials and concepts that will mystify the mind and chill the bone.
“My goal is to entertain and take the reader to place other authors may not dare to venture.”
About the Author
Paul R. Tucker is a writer and producer who has written numerous short stories, novellas, and screenplays. In 1997, Tucker’s first short story, entitled “Here’s the Season,” debuted in a national magazine and showcased Tucker’s unique style of writing, referred to as “iconic surrealism,” where imaginary iconic figures are brought to life in a fantastical world. Tucker plans to mesmerize supernatural, fantasy, and horror readers across the globe with his collection of novels and adaptations for television and film products.