The Wish List is a reality, television docu-series that follows the stories of underserved individuals, families, and communities that have been nominated by their peers to be granted a much-need wish to make a difference in their lives. The show is hosted by former Ms. New Jersey, model, journalist and TV Correspondent, Vanessa Elise Baker.
Each heartwarming episode will feature an underserved individual, family or community that has been nominated by siblings, friends, co-workers, employers or community organizations and leaders. The hosts and the wish makers will meticulously select nominees in need of a little assistance in improving their current situation and/or have encountered adversity in their life due to unforeseen events including lost of spouse, homelessness, death in the family, lost of employment, car accidents, military disability, unlawful incarceration and/or a life-changing illness for which one wish can make a different in their lives.